Communication Corner | May

Happy May New Journey!

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance communication and streamline our processes, I wanted to share an important update regarding our eNews frequency.

 For the past couple of months, we have adjusted the timing of our newsletters. Instead of sending the eNews out monthly, we are now sending it out twice a month on the first and third Fridays.

This change will hopefully ensure that our content remains relevant, concise, and valuable to you.

Below is our proposed schedule of articles that we feel might work best.

  • The first eNews will feature articles from the pastor, synod news, birthdays and anniversaries, and ministry groups such as worship & music, social ministry, NEVC, stewardship, and Christian education.

  • The second eNews will feature articles about the council's work, a reflection from the president of the congregation, prayer ministry, and community news.

If you have any questions or comments about the new format, please email me at:

I would love any feedback as we create a communication strategy for New Journey.

Susan Brahs, Communications Coordinator


2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly


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