The Care Ministry reaches out to those in need, sharing Jesus everlasting love. The individuals involved in this ministry are there for others experiencing difficulties in life.

Prayer Team

The New Journey Prayer Team consists of individuals who confidentially offer prayer for those experiencing life's challenges.  To request a prayer, please fill out the Prayer Request Form.

Stephens Ministers

Are you feeling stressed by something in your life? Have you just moved to town and are feeling lonely? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you experiencing a loss of any kind?Stephen Ministers provide one-on-one Christian care to men and women who have experienced or are going through a crisis situation in their lives. While they are not professional counselors or therapists, they are trained and supervised volunteers. They are there to listen, support and comfort individuals.If you feel like you could use some help working through a crisis, please contact our Pastor at 480.383-9193 who will confidentially get you paired up with a Stephen Minister.

Co-Dependents Anonymous

Meets Sundays, 4:30-5:30 p.m.Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a program designed to help people who feel they are codependent or in an unhealthy relationship understand their addiction and learn ways to get out of the situation or turn it into something healthy.   We are delighted to be able to host this group from the community.